Death and the modern era


Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
A lifelong friend has a father with alzhiemers. The old man has been living with his son and has started to get temperamental and violent, so, for the safety of himself and his wife, my friend has finally placed his dad in a nursing home.

It's causinhg my friend a lot of grief because he feels like he's deserting the old man. All of his friends have told him that his dad moved out of the house a long time ago - what's left is the shell

Maybe I'm projecting, but I've known the old man for the better part of my life and I know he wouldn't want to continue to live this way - his mind is just about gone, but the body of this robust guy lives on - I think he'd rather be dead. I know that I don't want to go out this way - a mindless piece of meat, burden to both family and society.

Which brings me to my point.

A woman has the "right" to choose an abortion, yet society has denied the elderly the "right" to die in peace and with dignity.

Dr Kevorkian was a true hero, and some politician finally found a way to shut him up, and no new hero has stepped forward.

Some churches tell people that suicide would condemn their souls, yet these same churches laud the hero who commits suicide by placing his life in danger for a higher good - and maybe that's true -In my mind, the higher good is to remove the burden of caring for a mindless and possibly dangerous husk from family and society so that they can spend their resources on something more worthwhile such as day care.

After three score years, I've determined that when my times comes I want to go quietly into the night - and I want the state to ease my family of any burden by assisting me when the time comes.

It's time for society to recognize that giving the elderly the right to an assited death is the right thing to do. It's time to debate where, when and how this can happen.

What do you think?

New member
Nov 21, 2000
Terry Schaivo was another example ... politicians (of both sides) using her vegetative state to claim political points.

The bottom line is: The government and political parties and churches want us to be their little bitches ... and if they can tell us what we can with our most scared possession ... OUR LIFE ... we truly have become their little bitches.

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Some churches tell people that suicide would condemn their souls, yet these same churches laud the hero who commits suicide by placing his life in danger for a higher good

I don't get this example. I assume you're thinking of catholics since they are very specific that suicide is one of the "unforgiveable" sins. I'm trying to figure out how a person commits suicide by placing his life in danger for a higher good?

One only needs to look at Oregon and how the Republican party (with GW leading the way) attempted to railroad their Right to Die law by invoking some BS regarding Federal oversight of the drugs being used in the assistance of this. The party that believes in States rights indeed.

Watching someone close to you leave this life with only pain, suffering and confusion is something I wish on no one, yet that seems to be the only way many of us appreciate what bullshit it is to have government try and exert one last piece of control over us but forcing us to hang onto the one and only thing we truly ever own - our life.

So why isn't there overwhelming support for the right for a person or their caregivers to assist in their dying? Religion, and the fear of pissing off those religious who would sit in judgment - and also happen to vote as a bloc.

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Wanted to add this but missed the edit deadline.

Nothing but positive thoughts to your friend. his father, and yourself as you all go through this BBlight.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
bb, look like we agree on an issue. :toast:

Talk to Bush and Ashcroft about why they are against states allowing death with dignity laws, like Oregon's. They perpetrated an all out assault on Oregon's law. And in so doing, an all out assault on state's rights. But these are your conservative heros.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
People who put their children's interests ahead of their own are the true heroes in this world IMO.

Usually the two interests go hand in hand, ie. my children are best off if I look after myself etc., but when the chips are down and a choice has to made, that's when a man's true colors come out.

New member
Nov 21, 2000
People who put their children's interests ahead of their own are the true heroes in this world IMO.

That's an animal instinct ... and it can be found in every animal.

What separates human from animals is that humans are social ... and therein lies the problem ... because unlike animals, so many people (terrorists, religious preachers, politicians, etc.) falsely believe that they have the right to instruct/scare/legislate what others can do ... and they take it to the very core values of our being ... life, death and love (i.e. abortion, suicide and gay marriage) ... and the rest of us accept their superiority.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
That's an animal instinct ... and it can be found in every animal.

What separates human from animals is that humans are social ... and therein lies the problem ... because unlike animals, so many people (terrorists, religious preachers, politicians, etc.) falsely believe that they have the right to instruct/scare/legislate what others can do ... and they take it to the very core values of our being ... life, death and love (i.e. abortion, suicide and gay marriage) ... and the rest of us accept their superiority.

Yes, and blindly following authority is instinctual as well, as is seeking power and control over your own kind, using whatever means necessary.

What I am saying is that those can be called heroes whose self-preservation instincts, specifically relating to future generations, dominate their instincts to blindly follow authority or to immorally acquire authority, whenever those come into conflict.

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