There are no companies that can wipe off a bad credit score (and anyone that tells you they can are lying and just looking to take your money). If it's a one time only thing and you've been making timely payments to the company for awhile, you can call them and there's a chance they might make an exception and remove it as a one time courtesy (a credit card company did that for me when my wife and I were buying a house about 20 years ago). Other than that, the only thing that will wipe it out is time (the blemish is completely wiped out in 7 years, but is incrementally lessened in the interim). I'm surprised the hit would be that large for only a 30 day late on a credit card. Why is it that big a deal to you? Were you looking to take out a loan? For most property loans or auto loans, my understanding is a 700 score or better should get you the best interest rates. For pretty much everything else, 760 seems to be the magic number. If your debts are paid down and that's your only blemish, it's hard to believe you wouldn't be somewhere in that ballpark.