"President Bush Is Hardly Dumb. All His Life He Attended The Best Schools."
"You're way off base with the "dumb" comment.....this is a liberal talking point repeated over and over until accepted as fact. No "dumb" people get through Yale AND the Harvard MBA program. No "dumb" people become governor of Texas and President of the U.S. You may not like him, but the "dumb" stuff is dumb."
He didn't even have good enough grades to get in the U. of Texas. He got in Yale cuz of daddy. No dumb people become governor of Texas??? Um hello!, it's Texas, Goofy could get elected if they thought he was enough of a good ol' boy. As governor of Texas when they fried that female axe-murderer he didn't even answer the Pope's request for him to stay the execution, he totally ignored him! Not that he should have changed his course of action based the Pope's wishes, but didn't he know he wanted to be President some day, what diplomatic foresight, please! No dumb people become Pres. of the U.S., hello!, Ronnie Raygun. Dumbya can't speak in complete sentences, he had to harp and harp on "wrong war, wrong time, wrong place" in the debate, which he had clearly been coached on, because he's incapable of original thought much less thinking on his toes. I wish someone would have put a an over under out on how many time has was going to say that. His performance in the debate an embarrassment to our nation to see what a bumbling idiot we have in office.