Obama's Fake Thesis Buzz
Rush Was Punked: “Obama Thesis” Hoax
<CITE class="vcard author">by Claudine Zap</CITE>
31 hours ago
<FORM class=voteform method=post name=voteform-up-93122 action=/vote/;_ylt=AnFhgZ5LQdiMCZwNcocRfhKMfNdF;_ylu=X3oDMTJpbWQybWxhBGFzc2V0AzkzMTIyBGJpZAMxBGJuYW1lA2FydGljbGVfbGlzdF9hbGdvcml0aG0EcHN0Y2F0A2J6bHN0b3J5BHB0A2J1enpsb2cEc2xrA3ZvdGU-><INPUT value=buzzlog type=hidden name=from> <INPUT value=us type=hidden name=market> <INPUT value=en-US type=hidden name=language> <INPUT value=tQ3QsybPkcG type=hidden name=.crumb> <INPUT value=buzzlog/93122 type=hidden name=guid> <INPUT value=y_buzz_log type=hidden name=publisherurn> <INPUT value=http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93122 type=hidden name=targetUrl> <INPUT value="Rush Was Punked: “Obama Thesis” Hoax" type=hidden name=headline> <INPUT value="It must have seemed so perfect. An obscure blogger unearths some pages of President Obama's college thesis. The report supposedly comes from big-time journalist Joe Klein of …" type=hidden name=summary> <INPUT value=text type=hidden name=assettype> <INPUT value=1 type=hidden name=votetype><BUTTON class=vote-up type=submit></BUTTON> </FORM>2,674 Votes
It must have seemed so perfect. An obscure blogger unearths some pages of President Obama's college thesis. The report supposedly comes from big-time journalist Joe Klein of Time magazine. And the thesis has some real gems: like Obama's disdain for the Constitution.
The whole thing was nothing more than a satirical post on a humor blog. But Rush Limbaugh, who quoted from the supposed thesis on his radio show, sure wasn't laughing. Here's how it went down.
An unknown blogger picked up on a made-up post meant as a joke, which claimed that Joe Klein had gotten his hands on 10 pages of student Obama's college thesis. Rush Limbaugh jumped on it, which immediately sparked Web searches on "obama thesis."
Supposedly titled "Aristocracy Revisited," the excerpt revealed the president had "doubts" about the "so-called founders." Juicy. Except not true. Limbaugh discovered halfway through his show that he'd been had, but defended himself by saying basically the thesis felt true. Listen in to Rush's mea sorta culpa.
Joe Klein finally jumped in, and called the report "nonsense" on his Swampland blog, and the blogger who thought the hoax was real also apologized.
Let's hope someone kept their sense of humor in all this. Still, for a humble post to go from humor blog to major media outlet sure seems impressive. Someone ought to write their thesis on it. For real.
Rush Was Punked: “Obama Thesis” Hoax
<CITE class="vcard author">by Claudine Zap</CITE>
31 hours ago
<FORM class=voteform method=post name=voteform-up-93122 action=/vote/;_ylt=AnFhgZ5LQdiMCZwNcocRfhKMfNdF;_ylu=X3oDMTJpbWQybWxhBGFzc2V0AzkzMTIyBGJpZAMxBGJuYW1lA2FydGljbGVfbGlzdF9hbGdvcml0aG0EcHN0Y2F0A2J6bHN0b3J5BHB0A2J1enpsb2cEc2xrA3ZvdGU-><INPUT value=buzzlog type=hidden name=from> <INPUT value=us type=hidden name=market> <INPUT value=en-US type=hidden name=language> <INPUT value=tQ3QsybPkcG type=hidden name=.crumb> <INPUT value=buzzlog/93122 type=hidden name=guid> <INPUT value=y_buzz_log type=hidden name=publisherurn> <INPUT value=http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93122 type=hidden name=targetUrl> <INPUT value="Rush Was Punked: “Obama Thesis” Hoax" type=hidden name=headline> <INPUT value="It must have seemed so perfect. An obscure blogger unearths some pages of President Obama's college thesis. The report supposedly comes from big-time journalist Joe Klein of …" type=hidden name=summary> <INPUT value=text type=hidden name=assettype> <INPUT value=1 type=hidden name=votetype><BUTTON class=vote-up type=submit></BUTTON> </FORM>2,674 Votes
It must have seemed so perfect. An obscure blogger unearths some pages of President Obama's college thesis. The report supposedly comes from big-time journalist Joe Klein of Time magazine. And the thesis has some real gems: like Obama's disdain for the Constitution.
The whole thing was nothing more than a satirical post on a humor blog. But Rush Limbaugh, who quoted from the supposed thesis on his radio show, sure wasn't laughing. Here's how it went down.
An unknown blogger picked up on a made-up post meant as a joke, which claimed that Joe Klein had gotten his hands on 10 pages of student Obama's college thesis. Rush Limbaugh jumped on it, which immediately sparked Web searches on "obama thesis."
Supposedly titled "Aristocracy Revisited," the excerpt revealed the president had "doubts" about the "so-called founders." Juicy. Except not true. Limbaugh discovered halfway through his show that he'd been had, but defended himself by saying basically the thesis felt true. Listen in to Rush's mea sorta culpa.
Joe Klein finally jumped in, and called the report "nonsense" on his Swampland blog, and the blogger who thought the hoax was real also apologized.
Let's hope someone kept their sense of humor in all this. Still, for a humble post to go from humor blog to major media outlet sure seems impressive. Someone ought to write their thesis on it. For real.