I can tell you what goes on Son
1. The General usually first deletes my post
2. Next comes it seems an auto genrated e-mail from him that read exactly like this.
" Your posting recently warranted this response. It has come to our attention that one or some of your posts have become a detriment to the board and we at The Rx promote a positive and honest outlook of the offshore community. We value your posts but when the become unwarranted attacks against different parties we must step in. If your behavior continues steps will be aken to abolish you from site. Thanks for your understading."
3. I then IM The General about it and he says "jj I do not know what you are taklking about" I say General stop the fukkin bull **** of playing dumb. He says I am busy, later.
4. I then keep posting and try to start **** with General saying he is barreled in from playing theponies and calling him overweight and ****.
5. He phones Kenny and every other mod like I am some fukkin outlaw and they take a vote and ban me.
6. I get an e-mail saying I was terminated.
7. Get this boys, I get an 4000 word e-mail from Kenny saying I broke the rules. I swear this has to be auto generated because it always starts.
"Dear poster " and it is 11 pages of bull **** about honest and integrity. It had to be lie from the fukkin 40's.
8. That is the basics here at the RX and blocking of IP''s is rare as too many have same type in deifferent regions