truthteller said:
Reeve's family should be ashamed of themselves for endorsing baby killer Kerry.
Shrink, you are dead wrong on this one. Bush will win come November.
IF I am dead wrong, then why have the odds
plummeted so much from when I bet Pinnacle at
PLUS $2.16 BEFORE the first debate???
Apparently, KERRY has closed the gap considerably; the polls show this election to be virtually TIED, BUSH has not won one of the debates, he's a big favorite to LOSE again tomorrow (and yes, I'll bet you on this), stem cell research is vital if you've every lost a loved one or friend with a spinal cord injury or a birth abnormality, and the undecided's are starting to choose KERRY (doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out thats why the gap has narrowed)...
So therefore, when the last group of the undecided's make up their minds, it is obvious to me that they don't like BUSH or they would not be UNDECIDED, but rather, they are afraiid to commit because they don't know John Kerry well enough....
But since you probably are right with your sound reasoning over mine, I'll be happy to take the same bet with you as I made with Pinnacle...