What are you guys thinking the best play for second half will be once they release the spreads.. Over/under, or blazers/bulls spread.
i think under will be a play depending on the number.... chicago down by 22 with 4 min left in the 2nd quarter. chicago will enventually give up if they can't catch up in the 3rd quarter.
i have blazers ml in 2nd leg of a two teamer...and i was dumb enough to put a medium size bet on blazers -260 (for some reason i though bulls would at least have a chance to cover..).
there will be a huge opportunity to middle here....im hoping blazers get it up to a 30 pt lead by half...
hmm wonder what the line will be...i am guessing it will be like bulls -3.5
I think blazers may be the play for this reason......
under used to be golden on these blowouts, now-a-days when I play the under and no one cares, they don't run the clock, they start jacking 3s all over and stop playing defense.....scores can still get up there.