Good luck. I'm on Pho -7, but didn't like what I just saw on the ML movement...saw Bulls ML go down from +245 to +220 at one of my outs. Spread remained at 7. If Pho isn't going to cover then I hope they lose outright so you can cash the ML. Good luck!
Good luck again. Quiet in the basement tonight.
Don`t you know how to make a thread???....Apparently not....You never post plays,just TROLL.
Who cares what you like....The guy takes time out to start a thread on the Bulls ML.....
And of course you have to mention your on the Suns.
Typical....What else is new dude.
I love this place....But you....LMAO
You Really have to Stop with these. Guy ain't doing shit but wishing someone Good luck.
If he comes into your Threads, that might be a different story. but the guy is allowed to post. So PLEASE stop