And yet, YOU'RE here, running your mouth, after numerous promises to stay away, showing, once again, that you're liar and a welcher. I pointed out Avanetti has had multiple correct predictions so far, but obviously didn't say he was making a "prediction" on something he says he already has. I also pointed out that, unlike Dump, who is stupid enough to tell a lie that can be disproven in seconds(like when he lied on the WH lawn and said that previous Presidents hadn't called Gold Star Widows, and, when confronted moments later with the fact that he lied, breezily said, "Well, I was told that nobody else called"), Avanetti has no incentive to give out a story that important which could be disproven-and, indeed, AT & T has already confirmed the amount he attributed to them. And, now, what don't YOU try answering a question that you've been ignoring for weeks, scumbag: Why have you refused to answer why Dump should care if Cohen flipped or not, if he, Dump, is innocent?
Ok... so what is it then.
Is the money a FACT, PREDICTION or FAKE
( I PREDICT the answer we will get is insults and deflection... or just ignoring the question completely)