Line shopping right now...Here's Bowman's / Pinny / BF Comparison as at 5p.m.
Square Book (Bowman's)
Detroit: -1.5/+180 -------------- -165 -----------O5.5/-115
Pitt: +1.5/-220 ----------------- +145 ------------- U5.5/-105
Pinnacle Sports
Detroit: -1.5/+189 -------------- -155 -----------O5.5/-106
Pitt: +1.5/-209 ----------------- +145 ------------- U5.5/-104
Betfair (take 2-5% off ONLY if you WIN for commission)
Detroit: -1.5/+190 ---------- -154 ----------- O5.5/-105
Pitt: +1.5/-196------------- +148 --------------U5.5/+100
Use the odds converter on the Help tab to compare lines
All 16 markets are In-play
(N.B. Folks are placing unmatched bets now and waiting to be matched so Betfair lines will get tighter as the game approaches.)
Square Book (Bowman's)
Detroit: -1.5/+180 -------------- -165 -----------O5.5/-115
Pitt: +1.5/-220 ----------------- +145 ------------- U5.5/-105
Pinnacle Sports
Detroit: -1.5/+189 -------------- -155 -----------O5.5/-106
Pitt: +1.5/-209 ----------------- +145 ------------- U5.5/-104
Betfair (take 2-5% off ONLY if you WIN for commission)
Detroit: -1.5/+190 ---------- -154 ----------- O5.5/-105
Pitt: +1.5/-196------------- +148 --------------U5.5/+100
Use the odds converter on the Help tab to compare lines
All 16 markets are In-play
(N.B. Folks are placing unmatched bets now and waiting to be matched so Betfair lines will get tighter as the game approaches.)