Biggest liar at the RX--Raiders


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Raiders was caught in yet another lie today making 6288 lies YTD. He claims everyone else is a liar. While his nose has just made it past the moon because thats all he does. Why don't you start telling everyone the way it is instead of the way it is in your delusional little tiny peanut sized brain.

New member
Jul 20, 2001
Raiders caught in yet another lie. What a surprise, i am truly shocked.

New member
Jul 20, 2001
You catch Raiders in a lie and he admits he is wrong. How does he say he's sorry??? Fvck you asshole. Anyone who trust this guy is as stupid as he is.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
when are you guys going to quit this obsesive compulsive disorder and get a proper life, huh?, day in day out, it's raiders this raiders that, get a fvcking life, raiders has been here a few months before you showed your sorry ass, and despite his initial taunting, you don't seem to chill, i log in here every other day, or so, and see a few tenths of threads by your likes about raiders, aint you got nothing better to do, are you house bound, are you in an institution, honestly wonder, cause otherwise you d not obsess so much over some cyber pseudo feud.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Jack dumbass don't speak out of turn. Is this Raiders forum? No idiot i signed up here before he did so by your dumb logic i belong here more than he does. That is just plain stupid. The guy lies and speaks about things like they are true even though they are not. Read up before you open your mouth. I was trying to be nice to this loser last night and what did i get for my trouble. He says i padded my record. When he discovers today that that was bullshit he then calls me an asshole and says i lie about other things. Get this he's says i lied about my record in the Rio contest. How the fvck did i lie. I have never ever ever ever said one word about my record in the Rio contest. Although he did start a thread once that said i lost 9 in a row on chalk in the Rio contest. Yet another lie from Raiders the nose. Yes i did lose 9 nine in a row at one point in the Rio contest but not all on chalk and i never denied that.

Tell me what was the point in him bringing it up? Why Jack Dee did you not come and say Raiders that's not cool? And now when we bring up his miserable record do you have a problem with it? Answer these questions Jack Dee and maybe we can talk until then your just his butt buddy.

If nitwit comes in here and accuses you of doing the worst thing you can do in this forum which is padding your record without any proof and he's saying it as fact. This wouldn't piss you off in the least. I told that piece of crap to keep his head up last night. That he'd turn around his miserable season in the NFL. And what do i get, yeah a knife in my back well fvck that scum.

Raiders maybe simple minds like Jack Turd are intimadated by you and your bully tatics down here but i don't sweat you in the least. Your nothing but a lying manipulating jerk. When you apologize to me then we can settle this until then more of the same. This guy just makes up shit not caring in the least who he steps on and everyone is supposed to just take. Not me pal i'm not your fvcking doormat and never will be.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
BTW Jack you only signed up here 3 months before me and yet you have three times the posts i do. Hummm maybe you should get yourself a life.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
"Jack dumbass don't speak out of turn."

you are insulting me, or ARE U? well guess what you are not, cause you dont know me, i dont care about you, and we ve not even met face to face...

alright gambling i admit, i did not read your post, i skimmed through it, could not be bothered,i am just saying you should not obssess over minute matters, like another gambler in this forum, but, wel whatever, do as you wish, it's your life you should better spend it elsewhere, but then again who am i to give the nut cases advice...

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Hey Jack i don't want to get into any pissing matches. But i will not have someone here calling me a liar and saying i padded my record. When i went to so much effort to document my record as i went. I never even said anything bad about him. I'm not his doormat and i will not tolerate his bullshit.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
JackDee---You remind me of Raiders-putting people down---giving opinions---and then backing off when you realize your opinions turn out to be lies. You tell GIL to get a life, and turns out you've posted 2,000 more times than him in 3 months, and none of your posts had anything to do with gambling. Why do you even come to a sports sight. Why don't you just go to a pschology site since that's your obsession.

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