bblight Coulter: Hmmm, one of your postings about me recently:
"you're a fanatic and it was your type of person that Hitler built the Third Reich with!" .... Really? Hmm, lets examine a little closer Hitler and King George:
bblight Coulter, as you are probably aware, your beloved King George is a Member of the "Skull & Bones" Society:
Since most people have no idea of the kind of secret society Skull & Bones is, or the kind of life-altering, mind-shattering experiences through which an Adept suffers, we are going to New Age authors to get the straight, unadulterated information.
New Age author, Bill Cooper, gives us great insight when he states that Skull & Bones is a part of the global Satanic network of secret societies called The Brotherhood of Death Societies. The German Brotherhood of Death Society was known as The Thule Society..... In other words, Skull & Bones is identical to The Thule Society!
Now, this information is critically important, for Adolf Hitler was trained in the deepest, darkest aspects of Black Magick Satanism by The Thule Society! Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, and now George W. Bush, were all subjected to the same rituals and the same life-shattering experiences as was Adolf Hitler!
Skull & Bones is positively identical to The Thule Society. IDENTICAL!! THIS is the true face of the Brotherhood of Death Societies, of which President George W. Bush is a lifelong Adept! Hitler's Thule Society is IDENTICAL to Skull & Bones! Their Adepts partake in the same rituals, utter the same oaths, and participate in the same occult Death/Burial/Resurrection ceremonies!
Doubt it not! Do not be deceived. Do you have the courage and spiritual insight to believe it? Maybe you can further understand the spiritual deception that Liberal Protestant clergy and President Bush are skillfully draping over the eyes of America today.
Religious conservatives have regarded Bush as one of their own since the presidential campaign, when he spoke during a debate of the guidance of Jesus ... Bush's handling of the anti-terrorism campaign since Sept. 11 has solidified his standing by painting him in stark terms as the leader in a fight of good against evil. 'I think Robertson stepped down because the position has already been filled', said Gary Bauer, a religious conservative who challenged Bush in the Republican primary. Bush "is that leader right now. There was a great deal of identification with the president before 9-11 in the world of the Christian right, and the nature of this war is such that it's heightened the sense that a man of God is in the White House."
"Conservative Christians tend to view Bush's recent success as part of a divine plan. 'I've heard a lot of God knew something we didn't', [Ralph] Reed [who once led the Christian Coalition]. 'In the evangelical mind, the notion of an omniscient God is central to their theology. He had a knowledge nobody else had; He knew George Bush had the ability to lead in this compelling way'."
"Still, some of those around Bush say they have a sense that a higher purpose is involved. 'I think Bush is God's man at this hour, and I say this with a great sense of humility', Bush aide Tim Goeglein, described as a 'strong evangelical', told World magazine, a Christian publication ... Bush's effort succeeded. 'He is the leader of the Christian right', said Marshall Wittmann, a former Christian Coalition figure now with the Hudson Institute, a think tank." Note: the Hudson Institute is a major Illuminist planning group.
"... Jean Bethke Elshtain, a professor at the University of Chicago Divinity School, wrote of a 'powerful and moving moment' with Bush and an ecumenical group of religious leaders. 'One of our group asked, Mr. President, what can we do for you? He indicated that we could pray for me, for our country, for my family. He believes in the efficacy of prayer and needs wisdom and guidance and grace. A Greek Orthodox archbishop was invited to lead us in prayer. We all joined hands in a prayer circle, including the president."
The University of Chicago Divinity School is a Rockefeller funded, Liberal seminary that denies many of the key doctrines of the faith [Dr. Cathy Burns]. Key New Age authors have made no bones about the role the Ecumenical Movement is to play in their plan for the New World Order: Ecumenicism is to pave the way for the global religion of The Christ [Antichrist].
Thus, we have the spectacle of a Liberal, New Age oriented, Ecumenical, Christian Coalition declaring Bush to be their spiritual leader! What on earth is going on here? Since so many key events are running parallel to similar events in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, I wonder if we might be seeing a religious church forming here that is parallel to the national "Christian" church that formed under Hitler's direction during the 1930's? We have already seen that Hitler and Bush belong to identical Satanic secret societies; might Bush be following in Hitler's footsteps religiously?
Since most people do not know that Hitler formed a national Christian church, let us educate you. At the time of his ascension to absolute dictatorship, Hitler began to formulate a plan to literally create a "Christian" Church that would serve his purposes. He pulled off a minor miracle in creating a "Positive Christian" Church that deceived the undiscerning among the population. Adolf considered the existing Christian Church to be too Fundamental, too narrow, and too spineless to be of much use in New World Order Germany. Therefore, he put together a coalition of churches that would join his new "Positive Christian" Church.
Hitler began this project by re-creating who Jesus Christ was, and then continued by redefining key doctrines. Trevor Ravenscroft tells us about the re-creation of Jesus. "... Jesus Christ [was] a tall, blond, magnificent Gallilean of the Amonite type with a very high proportion of non-Semitic blood ... Jesus was not a Jew. He was an Aryan ... The Blood of Christ was shed exclusively for the Aryan peoples." [The Spear of Destiny, p. 120].
Hitler further substituted pagan concepts for sin, redemption, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, confirmation, and weddings. As we have stated on other occasions, all pagan worship systems revolve around a counterfeit explanation of Death/Burial/Resurrection. Hitler's "Positive Christianity" is no exception.
However, Hitler did couch much of his new church in Christian sounding words and phrases of which true Christians were familiar. Thus, he was able to deceive many. Hitler believed this "Positive Christian" Church was very important to his realization of a New World Order for Germany.
"We German Christians believe in our saviour Jesus Christ, in the power of his cross, and in his resurrection ... Germany is our task, Christ is our strength!"
"The source and the confirmation of our faith is the divine revelation of scriptures, and the witness borne by the fathers.The New testament, to us, is the sacred document of our lord, the saviour, and of his father's kingdom. The Old testament, to us, is an example of god's way of educating a people. In our faith it is of value to the extent that it opens our eyes to an understanding of the life, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of our saviour."
"The way to fulfil the German law is the faithful German congregation. In it, Jesus, the lord, reigns in grace and forgiveness. In it burns the fire of holy sacrifice. In it alone the saviour confronts the German people, and gives it the strength of faith. From this community of German Christians there shall grow a German Christian national church, embracing the entire people in the National Socialist state of Adolf Hitler." [Hitler Youth Song]
This is seemingly a powerful statement of Christian faith, is it not? It certainly "affirms" the key doctrines of the faith, at least as well as George Bush's statement of faith, quoted above. But, the key words in this Positive Christian Church declaration had all be secretly redefined, and few people in Germany knew it. I personally believe the creed of Hitler's Positive Christian Church is the stronger of the two!
This Positive Christian Church declaration concluded with these most emphatic words: "One people! One god! One Reich! One church!"
In his statement of conversion, George Bush emphatically stated also: "One Shepherd and one fold, now Jew and gentile, meeting, from many a distant shore, around an altar kneeling, one common Lord adore." [Emphasis added]
Imagine that! Why are Hitler Youth and George W. Bush confirming the same spiritual bottom line! In fact, this last statement of Bush is perfect Masonry, in their Brotherhood of Man concept.
"you're a fanatic and it was your type of person that Hitler built the Third Reich with!" .... Really? Hmm, lets examine a little closer Hitler and King George:
bblight Coulter, as you are probably aware, your beloved King George is a Member of the "Skull & Bones" Society:
Since most people have no idea of the kind of secret society Skull & Bones is, or the kind of life-altering, mind-shattering experiences through which an Adept suffers, we are going to New Age authors to get the straight, unadulterated information.
New Age author, Bill Cooper, gives us great insight when he states that Skull & Bones is a part of the global Satanic network of secret societies called The Brotherhood of Death Societies. The German Brotherhood of Death Society was known as The Thule Society..... In other words, Skull & Bones is identical to The Thule Society!
Now, this information is critically important, for Adolf Hitler was trained in the deepest, darkest aspects of Black Magick Satanism by The Thule Society! Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, and now George W. Bush, were all subjected to the same rituals and the same life-shattering experiences as was Adolf Hitler!
Skull & Bones is positively identical to The Thule Society. IDENTICAL!! THIS is the true face of the Brotherhood of Death Societies, of which President George W. Bush is a lifelong Adept! Hitler's Thule Society is IDENTICAL to Skull & Bones! Their Adepts partake in the same rituals, utter the same oaths, and participate in the same occult Death/Burial/Resurrection ceremonies!
Doubt it not! Do not be deceived. Do you have the courage and spiritual insight to believe it? Maybe you can further understand the spiritual deception that Liberal Protestant clergy and President Bush are skillfully draping over the eyes of America today.
Religious conservatives have regarded Bush as one of their own since the presidential campaign, when he spoke during a debate of the guidance of Jesus ... Bush's handling of the anti-terrorism campaign since Sept. 11 has solidified his standing by painting him in stark terms as the leader in a fight of good against evil. 'I think Robertson stepped down because the position has already been filled', said Gary Bauer, a religious conservative who challenged Bush in the Republican primary. Bush "is that leader right now. There was a great deal of identification with the president before 9-11 in the world of the Christian right, and the nature of this war is such that it's heightened the sense that a man of God is in the White House."
"Conservative Christians tend to view Bush's recent success as part of a divine plan. 'I've heard a lot of God knew something we didn't', [Ralph] Reed [who once led the Christian Coalition]. 'In the evangelical mind, the notion of an omniscient God is central to their theology. He had a knowledge nobody else had; He knew George Bush had the ability to lead in this compelling way'."
"Still, some of those around Bush say they have a sense that a higher purpose is involved. 'I think Bush is God's man at this hour, and I say this with a great sense of humility', Bush aide Tim Goeglein, described as a 'strong evangelical', told World magazine, a Christian publication ... Bush's effort succeeded. 'He is the leader of the Christian right', said Marshall Wittmann, a former Christian Coalition figure now with the Hudson Institute, a think tank." Note: the Hudson Institute is a major Illuminist planning group.
"... Jean Bethke Elshtain, a professor at the University of Chicago Divinity School, wrote of a 'powerful and moving moment' with Bush and an ecumenical group of religious leaders. 'One of our group asked, Mr. President, what can we do for you? He indicated that we could pray for me, for our country, for my family. He believes in the efficacy of prayer and needs wisdom and guidance and grace. A Greek Orthodox archbishop was invited to lead us in prayer. We all joined hands in a prayer circle, including the president."
The University of Chicago Divinity School is a Rockefeller funded, Liberal seminary that denies many of the key doctrines of the faith [Dr. Cathy Burns]. Key New Age authors have made no bones about the role the Ecumenical Movement is to play in their plan for the New World Order: Ecumenicism is to pave the way for the global religion of The Christ [Antichrist].
Thus, we have the spectacle of a Liberal, New Age oriented, Ecumenical, Christian Coalition declaring Bush to be their spiritual leader! What on earth is going on here? Since so many key events are running parallel to similar events in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, I wonder if we might be seeing a religious church forming here that is parallel to the national "Christian" church that formed under Hitler's direction during the 1930's? We have already seen that Hitler and Bush belong to identical Satanic secret societies; might Bush be following in Hitler's footsteps religiously?
Since most people do not know that Hitler formed a national Christian church, let us educate you. At the time of his ascension to absolute dictatorship, Hitler began to formulate a plan to literally create a "Christian" Church that would serve his purposes. He pulled off a minor miracle in creating a "Positive Christian" Church that deceived the undiscerning among the population. Adolf considered the existing Christian Church to be too Fundamental, too narrow, and too spineless to be of much use in New World Order Germany. Therefore, he put together a coalition of churches that would join his new "Positive Christian" Church.
Hitler began this project by re-creating who Jesus Christ was, and then continued by redefining key doctrines. Trevor Ravenscroft tells us about the re-creation of Jesus. "... Jesus Christ [was] a tall, blond, magnificent Gallilean of the Amonite type with a very high proportion of non-Semitic blood ... Jesus was not a Jew. He was an Aryan ... The Blood of Christ was shed exclusively for the Aryan peoples." [The Spear of Destiny, p. 120].
Hitler further substituted pagan concepts for sin, redemption, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, confirmation, and weddings. As we have stated on other occasions, all pagan worship systems revolve around a counterfeit explanation of Death/Burial/Resurrection. Hitler's "Positive Christianity" is no exception.
However, Hitler did couch much of his new church in Christian sounding words and phrases of which true Christians were familiar. Thus, he was able to deceive many. Hitler believed this "Positive Christian" Church was very important to his realization of a New World Order for Germany.
"We German Christians believe in our saviour Jesus Christ, in the power of his cross, and in his resurrection ... Germany is our task, Christ is our strength!"
"The source and the confirmation of our faith is the divine revelation of scriptures, and the witness borne by the fathers.The New testament, to us, is the sacred document of our lord, the saviour, and of his father's kingdom. The Old testament, to us, is an example of god's way of educating a people. In our faith it is of value to the extent that it opens our eyes to an understanding of the life, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of our saviour."
"The way to fulfil the German law is the faithful German congregation. In it, Jesus, the lord, reigns in grace and forgiveness. In it burns the fire of holy sacrifice. In it alone the saviour confronts the German people, and gives it the strength of faith. From this community of German Christians there shall grow a German Christian national church, embracing the entire people in the National Socialist state of Adolf Hitler." [Hitler Youth Song]
This is seemingly a powerful statement of Christian faith, is it not? It certainly "affirms" the key doctrines of the faith, at least as well as George Bush's statement of faith, quoted above. But, the key words in this Positive Christian Church declaration had all be secretly redefined, and few people in Germany knew it. I personally believe the creed of Hitler's Positive Christian Church is the stronger of the two!
This Positive Christian Church declaration concluded with these most emphatic words: "One people! One god! One Reich! One church!"
In his statement of conversion, George Bush emphatically stated also: "One Shepherd and one fold, now Jew and gentile, meeting, from many a distant shore, around an altar kneeling, one common Lord adore." [Emphasis added]
Imagine that! Why are Hitler Youth and George W. Bush confirming the same spiritual bottom line! In fact, this last statement of Bush is perfect Masonry, in their Brotherhood of Man concept.