He can't get off script. When the leaders send out those bullet points they are forced to stay on them.
He can't get off script. When the leaders send out those bullet points they are forced to stay on them.
you have no idea what you're talking about
Willie99 makes his own arguments, while vtard is a retard
You are a lying sack of shit, you just make shit up. But you can prove me wrong, show us where I've taken any one of my arguments from.
It's good to be me
Stay on topic hombre
Hahahaha, Willie living his Internet fantasy again! I don't think he's ever actually answered a question. Just talking points like a retard.
you have no idea what you're talking about
Willie99 makes his own arguments, while vtard is a retard
You are a lying sack of shit, you just make shit up. But you can prove me wrong, show us where I've taken any one of my arguments from. Specifically, show me the talking point I'm stealing
It's good to be me
I'm not mocking Bachmann. I'm just pointing out that she dodged a question about her own party leader.
and you prove once again how little you actually comprehend
furthermore, although you always whine about your questions never being answered, all 5 questions you ax repeatedly have all been answered hundreds of times. You just ax them again and again and again. There are only so many ways one can debunk your arguments, I think the average is about 16.38 different debunks for anything you say (way over the forum avg BTW), but you just keep citing that really smart english professor of yours
I can only lead the horse to the water don'tchaknow
The entire "why didn't dems pass a budget when they had control" was repeated on fox for months.
The" obama is carter the second" has been repeated by rush for 2 years.
The " no president has won re-election when unemployment is over 7.2" is a constant repub talking point.
The "liberal media" a repub favorite talking point on a nightly basis by candidates and fox news hosts.
All those are talking points from fox and conservative radio that you spew on a daily basis. I'm sure you have plenty more but 4 off the top of my head is there for your viewing pleasure.
This is like mike tyson against that pete mcnally guy. Had enough yet?
You are starting to get boring like Snoop. Back in the day you used to at least tried. You still have never answered my question about where money comes from. When you figure that out then we can talk about the next step.
LOL, go check out any thread you or I started about the fed, my responses are all in there
everybody has grown bored with bashing you around on monetary policy
LOL, go check out any thread you or I started about the fed, my responses are all in there
everybody has grown bored with bashing you around on monetary policy
Here was a classic akphidelt pimp slaps Willie. You never have explained where we get money to purchase debt in the first place. You can't get off the tirade of your illogical fear of the Fed. But, I'll never get a straight answer out of you. You are an idiot!
great link, anyone who wants to can read the thread an observe once again how delusional your are about
1) monetary policy
2) my responding