Here is the problem with these "street agents" / recruiting subcontractors, whatever you want to call it.
It's completely legal to hire them, and even legal to pay them on a contingency fee basis.
In fact, it would be very stupid not to.
Just like Personal Injury lawyers -- "I don't win the case, you don't have to pay me!" ... "I'm free! You don't have to pay me!!! I only get paid out of the money we get on the case and only if we win!!!"
So what's wrong with any of that?
It would be crazy to hire them any other way.
Then how are the head coaches supposed to control their conduct?
OF COURSE the subcontractors KNOW it violates NCAA Rules to PAY a player to come to the school they are recruiting for.
So is that illegal now? And the FBI is spending taxpayer money to jnvestigate and prosecute NCAA Violations?
(for things that are not even criminal?)
Don't they have anything better to do?
(This is making me wonder about their "Russian probe". The Russians have been involved in US Elections since at least FDR, if not before. It's a danger of having "open elections". Other international powers will meddle in your elections. Comes with the territory. It's 1 reason (or many) not to have a form of democracy to choose a government, but it's the system we have.)