Ten years ago, Chechnya's population was estimated at 2 million. Today it is 800,000. Before you get out your calculator, Game, that's 1.2 million dead or exiled Chechnyans.
Russian troops have killed an estimated 30,000 Chechen children and left another 30,000 without a parent. War crime atrocities by the Russians on the Chechens are well documented by Amnesty International.
Before you leap to conclude that Putin is fairly lumping his 'Chechen problem' in with the war on terror, consider reviewing the case. This is a civil matter that Putin is conveniently internationalising in order to deflect criticism of his failed Chechen policy -- namely, granting them sovereignty. Your hypocritical gov't has spent time meeting with these Chechen rebels -- perhaps as Putin suspects, to undermine Russian efforts to regain their old power status by keeping them busy and distracted -- while simultaneously denouncing terror tactics. This whole state of affairs is one big clusterfuck of cowboys and yeehaw bandits who don't have an ounce of humanity to their name.