is there anywhere online to watch these games??? thanks :toast: Valencia game in particular
NickelsAndDimes New member Joined May 1, 2008 Messages 2,917 Tokens Dec 4, 2008 #1 is there anywhere online to watch these games??? thanks :toast: Valencia game in particular
rolltide I'm from the government and I'm here to help Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 33,542 Tokens Dec 4, 2008 #2 go to or rojadirecta as they'll post direct links to most games
hcskip RX Ninja Joined Nov 20, 2008 Messages 2,297 Tokens Dec 4, 2008 #5 Oh, this is totally cool.....! Now to learn whatever language the announcers are speaking in....freeky-deeky doich?
Oh, this is totally cool.....! Now to learn whatever language the announcers are speaking in....freeky-deeky doich?
MonsterBuck Rx. Veteran Joined Feb 26, 2008 Messages 2,283 Tokens Dec 4, 2008 #6