Home loans are starting to resemble car loans. You know the ads on at 2am "got a job, you got credit!" or "bankruptcies and repos...no problem we finance anybody!". I don't know if prices or equity will tank necessarily, I just think it will cause economic troubles in the booming states like CA and NV because there is this huge business around building new homes and selling and financing. If the activity clams up and we see very little flow as one would have to expect, that could cause some big problems as those people will be out of work or making a lot less money. In areas where the home market has gone up more modestly and where new construction isn't that big a deal it probably will be less a shock. Places like Sacramento and Las Vegas could get hit very hard by this, I think people underestimate just how much of the economy is propped up by this one industry. Everything from home stores to banks will suffer.