Anyone else go almost nuts on Holidays with family?


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I mean, sh*t. now we have 6 kids(nephews and neices, none are mine, and it is great they enjoy the holidays. but damn, the NOISE is horrendous. all under 4, and full of energy. they wear me out, i thought i was full of spunk. i toss, and run as long as i can, but they are like the enigezer bunny, keep going, and going!!

i love my family, but i can only take about 2 hours of it, and i have to scat.

i am home alone for the holidays, my wife went to spend time with her sick grandmother. so, here i am, a month alone, to gamble, drink and be merry!

my sister lives across the street, she loves gamgling as much as i do. so we are off to the casino in a bit, maybe to hit another progressive RF.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Family is good but lets face it if you have action going you become anti social

How many times have you been in a room with a game on in backround and relatives asking you questions about why your not married or what you do for a living or how is your job or your cute and your really not looking at them but watching every fukkin play of the game and saying to yourself "I wish she would shut the *** up" I want to watch game

Oct 11, 2004
I lost my freaking ass today and was swearing upa storm in the Tv room while everyone else was having diiner and i got the same old lecture that i hear everytime the family is togther.

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
jjgold said:
Family is good but lets face it if you have action going you become anti social

How many times have you been in a room with a game on in backround and relatives asking you questions about why your not married or what you do for a living or how is your job or your cute and your really not looking at them but watching every fukkin play of the game and saying to yourself "I wish she would shut the *** up" I want to watch game
LOL, so true. But for me, whenever i go to the holiday functions with the family...its to the point that they just tell me which room i can go watch my games on. I mean what fun is it to sit around and talk about nascar and the weather for 3 hours with people i dont care if I ever see again anyway. I find it hilarious that none of them understand at all...but come here and everyone is postin' the exact same holiday story.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I really don't understand why extended families feel the need to get together on holidays ... everyone puts on the good behavior routine and is all polite while secretly thinking "oh God when can we finally get out of here?" I mean doesn't everyone do enough of that at the workplace!? You finally get a long-awaited holiday and instead of doing whatever you damn well please you play the same charades to satisfy formality requirements. Western society is waaaaayyyyyyy oversocialized IMO.

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
You guys are hillarious.....My family and girlfriends family live like 3000 miles away so these problems dont arise often...Although, last month my girlfriends dad came to visit us and stayed for a month. he is not feeling well so he thougt being by the ocean would help out..EVERYDAY for a month I had to go to this apartment he rented ( I declined my house to him because of prior episodes ).... while I knew my games were on and talk about stupid shat I could care less future, finances, life, marriage,kids....all I can think about is getting to a computer so I can check my lines and scores. sometimes I would drift off in thought for honestly like 10-15 mins and couldnt tell you a word they said meanwhile staring and nodding at him every 5 or 10 seconds..... I have to do everything through google so it doesnt show up in websites visited, then when I come back I am forced to listen about how " VEGAS wasnt built with all the winners" speech...I get this hot feeling in the back of neck and I feel like I want to ask him on the patio, hit him with a shovel, steal his remote, leave him for dead, lock the door and go in and watch my game...After that thougt passes I look into my girlfriends eyes and ask myself is it really all worth it??? No. I realize...Then I look at her jugs and think about my family history of baldness, and my mind changes back to...... ya maybe I can put up with this for a little while longer..Then he starts talking about these grandchildren that I cant stand ..and the balcony thought enters my head again..I then excuse myself to the fridge and grab a beer, i dont usually drink much but on these nights, I put back at least 8-9 in a two hour span... at least..Sometimes I get so drunk that I start to want to actually be there because I am incapable of driving home and dont want to listen to the lecture from my chick about " We cant even go somewhere for two hours without you checkin your scores or acting like an ass...You wonder why my family doesnt like you, all you do when you are around them is Gamble and drink". I usually start to laugh or make fun of her family at this point and then its war .....Do you guys ever hear this one ?" you mean to tell me that you would rather be on the computer talking to a bunch of degenerates and watchin football, then being with me and my family having ice cream at the beach..??? The answer seems so obvious to me I just cant figure out why she doesnt see it that the location and see if sounds similar.... ..Then for the final week the mother shows up as a surprise....Yeehaw, what a fvckin surprise...Too make things worse she arrives on a Sunday and I have to spend the day at the beach with everyone....No Chicks anywhere because its November and here I am in the drizzle at the BEACH...WTF is that..I would much prefer the darkness and messiness of my living room.and my friends from FOX...Just when I think this ordeal is done my girlfriend says we are going to go for a fvckin Ice Cream cone...what am I 11 yrs old......Too make things worse my girlfriend goes oh no dont worry about it DAD, Brads got this one.....I look at her like are you on glue, I cant stand these people why would I buy them Ice Cream....when I could spend this 26 dollars on Western Union fees...I know I cant say this because I will have to hear about it for 2 hrs after the fact......26 dollars for ice cream...Usually i wouldnt care but when it comes to them i pick everything apart because they drive me insane....Anyways they are gone now, and I do not know how some of you guys put up with this on a regular basis...You are to be commended...

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
bigbet1234 said:
my sister lives across the street, she loves gamgling as much as i do. so we are off to the casino in a bit, maybe to hit another progressive RF.

It's official, my hero Howard Lederer and his talented sister, Annie Duke, are indeed devout RX readers :103631605

Oct 11, 2004
Pete,that was a hilarious post and how true it is! People just dont get it. and that "vegas wasnt built on winners" speech drives me f'in crazy! I would much rather spend the day in my living room losing money than be around people....thats why i dont work a job.

Feb 26, 1999
I find MY FAMILY to be a BLESSING.

And for all of you who complain about being together with yours, just remember that one day you won't have them around...:banger:


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Shrink just posted the most intelligent post I've read in a while. Happy holidays guys!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Kenny it is very difficulty to enjoy a holiday when I have 2 Dime 3 team box reverses going that I need to win. I am not there for the show like another poster mentioned earlier in this thread and fake I am all that and ****. When at a family function everyone is pretending but me. I do not like pretenders and I rather here at the family get together that my 24 year old niece is having sex issues with her husband, or why my Aunt is not happy, or why my brother in law is nailing his secretary or why my cousin is barreled in from the horses and always at the money store.

Its a war out there Kennny and rather see battles at get togthers because that is reality.

Hey a tip from The Coach, go to a family get together and see how everyone is happy and hugging and **** and then go hide behind bushes when they leave and et into their cars. I have done it and almost everyone is battling. Husbands , wives, kids all fighting and wanting to rip each other heads off
. It is amazing as they are leaving and waving goodbye the as soon as they get down the street the woman is saying Danny you cocksuker, your done and pack your fukkin bags, ect

Good Luck

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Arena Nut said:
Shrink just posted the most intelligent post I've read in a while. Happy holidays guys!

Seriously ?? How often do you read the RX ...???

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Like SHRINK, I am very thankful for my family and although I work alot as do most of them, we have a great family get together 4 times per year minimum and each year, I realize more, just how valuable that time is.

Feb 26, 1999

You seem to have some serious issues and I hope you work them out...

By the way, in case you haven't noticed, there are many posters who hate me, but it doesn't get to me...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend..


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
i love being around my family, it's just all the kids. NON-STOP noise. My dad, uncles and cousins all watch the turkey day games, but the noise. I remember 5 years ago, no kids, and peace.

kids are a blessing yes, but can only be tolerated for a certain amount of time. I would probably feel different if they were mine.


Oct 5, 2004
I agree with the starter of this thread, as far as the Holidays scenario with a bunch of other peoples kids running around, Mother's yelling and a bunch of drunk family members talking over each other. But to me that's what makes the Holidays special. I appreciate this, because I know I may not always be so fortunate as to have so much family around; even if some of them can't understand why at 11:00 a.m. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs for the Uconn football team to just get one more score in...

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
I love how you try and make me sound

If you are a psychiatrist do you really get to put DR. in front of your name?

I never said I hated you or disliked you but I find it funny how you never respond positively in any of my threads or posts...It seems you are teh one with the issues..

I m Canadian and celebrated Thanksgiving last week, but thank you and have a nice thanksgiving yourself..

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
The problem I see with this whole ordeal is that any minute the phone could ring and your world could be shaken beyond belief. Sure, my kids get on my nerves sometimes, but I love them dearly and I am sure I get on their nerves sometimes too. My sons grandmother was given 6 weeks to live this past weekend. I was so happy to see my kids yesterday enjoying the holiday as they will be going thru hell the next few weeks as they watch their grandmother die. I am sorry I cannot relate to this post. Maybe I am in the wrong. I have been many times before.

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