does someone have personal experience (recently) that the max is $5 per blackjack hand?
It has been awhile, but I follow every potential change to gaming law that matters and they won't sneak this one by me. Since I have been involved in gaming interests in Colorado there have been two somewhat serious attempts to get the limits raised and they both died. The last one was by a bunch of guys that wanted higher limit poker games to cash in on the craze. You want to talk about stupid, go into a Colorado poker room. You can play $1-5 in a few places, but most are $2-5 and $3-5 limit games. I remember walking into one while I was on a trip to Cripple Creek, which is in the middle of nowhere so nothing else to do. The floorman asks me "do you want the low stakes or high stakes game". I kid you not, the 3-5 game is the high stakes game in those parts. I laughed at him and he didn't seem too happy about it.
They got shot down by people saying $25 limits were "high stakes". Imagine all these guys wanted was a $10-20 game. You can freely bet $5 a spin on a slot machine, but play $10-20 and you cross the line. Then again politicians in Florida were calling $1-2 hold-em games "high stakes" because someone stupid enough could actually lose a couple hundred dollars in a night. Politicians are an utter and complete joke when it comes to limits. The casinos don't want higher limits, they want you to play slots. If you make it to one of the 3 cities with gambling Identity you will see why. Most buildings are completely stuffed with slots and the pit almost an afterthought, but impossibly crowded. A greedy casino manager says "if only I could get this dolts to play slots instead imagine how much I would rake in".