At the start of every Sport Season there's a multitude of posts saying how easy the game is and how this is the best Sport to make Money at. When all the Meglomaniacal and Arrogant posts are done, there's normally a wake of Posters dopey enough to buy into the Glory and hieroglyphics to appease the Books and give them a good laugh over a drink or Two.
Unfortunetly, these Dopes live and breath on the say of these Jokers. When the shit hits the fan, who cares? Losers are Losers, squares are Squares. What is comical is the same Posters who buried the Mugs in One Sport will pipe up in the next, and the Mugs will fall for the nonsense yet again.
Which brings me on to the main Topic, ACE-ACE. When ACE-ACE first posted on this Forum He was a bit nieve and after having a few crossed Swords I had nothing but admiration for him. After yet another sucessful season I know the whole Forum are going to jump on ACE to a man, and although I know ACE will hold his own, I feel safety nets should be put in place like the RX returning any losses.:drink:
Unfortunetly, these Dopes live and breath on the say of these Jokers. When the shit hits the fan, who cares? Losers are Losers, squares are Squares. What is comical is the same Posters who buried the Mugs in One Sport will pipe up in the next, and the Mugs will fall for the nonsense yet again.
Which brings me on to the main Topic, ACE-ACE. When ACE-ACE first posted on this Forum He was a bit nieve and after having a few crossed Swords I had nothing but admiration for him. After yet another sucessful season I know the whole Forum are going to jump on ACE to a man, and although I know ACE will hold his own, I feel safety nets should be put in place like the RX returning any losses.:drink: