Located here in San Jose Costa Rica
Call or Text : CR Local #: 8913-6456 or email buynowcr@yahoo.com
DVD's available: ( If you are looking for another workout video that is not listed let us know and we can get it ) We have access to hundreds
Tony Hortons 10 Minute Trainer $ 100.00 Retail Value. Yours For only $20.00
Hip Hop Abs $ 100.00 Retail Value. Yours for only $ 20.00
P90 + P90x + All Manuals and Guides NEW $ 150.00 Retail Value. Your for Only $ 50.00 In iPod Format
Kenpo Cardio - Interval Plus Abs Core - Total Body Plus - Upper Abs Core Plus
All 4 For $ 35.00 or $ 10.00ea,
Call or Text : CR Local #: 8913-6456 or email buynowcr@yahoo.com
DVD's available: ( If you are looking for another workout video that is not listed let us know and we can get it ) We have access to hundreds
Tony Hortons 10 Minute Trainer $ 100.00 Retail Value. Yours For only $20.00
Hip Hop Abs $ 100.00 Retail Value. Yours for only $ 20.00
P90 + P90x + All Manuals and Guides NEW $ 150.00 Retail Value. Your for Only $ 50.00 In iPod Format
Kenpo Cardio - Interval Plus Abs Core - Total Body Plus - Upper Abs Core Plus
All 4 For $ 35.00 or $ 10.00ea,