Burnett, just another overpaid athlete who with any other team, other than Philly, Red Sox, Milwaukee, Texas, et al., would never make the starting rotation. George Steinbrenner understood one thing. You get what you pay for. Without Mr. "S" around, you are about to watch, in the next couple of years, Posada, Jeter, Mariano R., and the less than par pitching starters, (except Sabathia) slowly lower the almighty Yankee flag. Philly has a ok bullpen, not that they really ever need one all that often, as they either usually have nice leads, but occasionally they, like everyone lose. I'm wagering on the Yankees today, but certainly not because of NOVA. Its more against Blackburn, and the fickle Twin offense. If the Yankees still do anything thrilling, its that they can hit. But if the Giants proved anything last year, it was that good pitching the majority of the time beats good hitting. Something the Yankees just could not buy quick enough (so said Ron Guidry) this year. Don't worry, the Yankees know with this one man pitching show they have sold to a yankee fan base, which includes the one bullpen ace who is aging by the second, that sooner rather than later, pitching will either be addressed or like every other Yankee front office in history, will fire Joe Girardi. And God knows this make shift pitching staff surely isn't his fault. How long does Alex R. have left after his rehab? before long, the Yankees better address the starting pitcher roblem, and while they are at it, get rid of Nunez. Everytime I watch him play, he makes a error. Why in God's name do they keep him around? Theres always next year! For everyone. Maybe one day in the next 10 years, they will rename the stadium, "The Bronx Tale."