What they got was their pay check twice a month.
In the US if the company you work for goes broke, you get nothing. In fact it is legal for them to spend your 401K fund as they are going broke.
While what you said is half true, you are mostly talking out your ass.
There are two types of wages that are at issue in US bankruptcy cases: 1) pre-petition wages; 2) post-petition wages.
Pre-Petition Wages Due By Bankrupt Companies
These are wages and compensation that became due (and were unpaid) prior to the date of the bankruptcy. This would include regular wages, severance pay, the value of unpaid benefits, accrued vacation and the like.
Post-Petition Wages Due By Bankrupt Companies
These are wages and compensation that become due after the date of the bankruptcy. This would also include regular wages, severance pay, the value of unpaid benefits, accrued vacation and the like.
How Are Pre-Petition Wages Paid in Bankruptcies?
For employees who are no longer employed, they are typically paid just like claims to all other creditors - EXCEPT: the first $11,725 due are treated as priority claims, thus giving a leg up on most other creditors. See 11 U.S.C Section 507(a)(4).
For employees still employed as of the date of the bankruptcy (and thereafter), they are entitled to the same priority claim; however, many employers will file a motion with the bankruptcy court seeking permission to bring their obligations to such employees up to date before the reorganization is completed.
How Are Post-Petition Wages Paid in Bankruptcies?
For employees who remain employees after the bankruptcy filing, wages owed are usually deemed Admistrative Expenses, and typically the Bankruptcy Judge will permit the bankrupt company to pay those wages on an ongoing basis while the reorganization is being planned. See 11 U.S.C. Section 503(b)(1)(A).
Bankruptcy law is very complicated, and anyone saying 'well it works this way' is just ignorant. Anyone who knows anything will understand that the type of broad stroke statements you use to try and justify what is happening to the UB/IDS/TBT employees is just bullshit.