The rates of both are in decline. I blame Obama
Great comparison gas......did you know that abortions are legal and shooting people isn't?
Great comparison gas......did you know that abortions are legal and shooting people isn't?
so I guess as long as people commit murder by drilling a hole into a person's skull, using a vacuum to suck out their brains and then crush their skulls with some other tools it's legal. I mean, if it's legal to do that to a life inside the womb, it should be legal for a life outside the womb, makes sense, but not to liberals, because they are dumber than a bag of hammers.
so I guess as long as people commit murder by drilling a hole into a person's skull, using a vacuum to suck out their brains and then crush their skulls with some other tools it's legal. I mean, if it's legal to do that to a life inside the womb, it should be legal for a life outside the womb, makes sense, but not to liberals, because they are dumber than a bag of hammers.
And yet the sales of guns while Barry has been POTUS has been better than ever.The rates of both are in decline. I blame Obama
Kind of puts things in perspective for ya doesn't it...I know it's tough to swallow numbers like that.
Throw out DC, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland and a few other liberal horrible Democratic run hell holes and I bet this number is less than 1,000.
Fucking scumbag Democrats.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you that it's murder. But you only see far right conservative ideology and really can't think past that. Thankfully your whacked out thinking is a dying breed though.
The Supreme Court would never allow the most depraved murderer to be put to death in the fashion that innocent fetuses are, that's how whacked out those liberal shit for brains are. The only whacked out thinking is that of a doctor who has no problem with snipping an infant's spine to kill them or drilling a hole into an infant's head, sucking out their brains, crushing their skulls, slicing them up and sucking them out. I know a gutless coward like you doesn't have the guts to do something like that but you support it, now *that* is whacked out.
Hey's sheriff Joe ghost/clone.
You sound like one of those sick far right wingers shooting abortion doctors. I'm fine with a woman's choice and the supreme courts decision. Dipshits like you aren't there to take care of unwanted're a useless , clueless idiot who doesnt have the capability to come up with solutions.....just point and blame.