For those of you who are not from C.R., the expression "perro amarrado" refers to a debt that remains unpaid. The debtor keeps telling you stories about how he´s trying to come up with the cash, or worst-case-scenario, your phone calls are ignored and your poor "perro" starts looking like the one in the picture.
On Tuesday August 18th a very well-known sportsbook assembled its staff and confirmed some rumors that had been going on for a few weeks: Most of them would be laid off, since the financial situation was precarious. In the meeting they were told not to worry, they would receive their severence the following Monday. Although Sunday would be the last day for most of the employees, one saw them work most professionaly, yet once Monday arrived there was no severence payment. Two weeks have gone by since the meeting and nobody has a clue as to when the debt will be cancelled. Will this end up being another "tied dog"?