Take a good look at the picture at the top of the page, and those spools that are in front of the burning hole. And then click the video link below to see a simulation of what happens when a small truck gets behind the thrust power of a 747, and ask yourself how those spools remained stationary, and were neither struck by the 757, nor blown backwards. Those spools also show that a 757 never flew inches above the lawn and made that imprint on the Pentagon facade.
The main issue at the Pentagon is the lack of any identifiable wreckage which shows that a 757 actually hit the Pentagon. And lets not make this any harder than it is, as this website and information was compiled for the purpose of quickly convincing you that 911 was a major conspiracy, that our Republic is in grave danger, and to activate you to save your freedoms while you can.
I hope that you will take an attitude of seriousness while sifting through this material, and once convinced of the truth of it, commit yourself, as so many others already have, to catching those truly responisble, and restoring this nation back to a Consitutional Republic. The evidence is overwhelming. It constitutes proof. It's not a conspiracy theory if one can prove conspiracy. The material presented in this website overwhelmingly proves conspiracy.
Brief Overview
Lets take a brief look at the evidences and proofs thus far compiled.
1. A bright orange flash occurring at the World Trade Center, North Tower,
before impact. The significance of this is obvious, especially with the damning proofs provided by all the major News Networks themselves, and multiple sources at the South Tower.
2. There is so much vdeo evidence and proof to demonstrate that the plane which hit the South Tower, couldn't have been Flight 175, it's indisputable.
A. The Laser Light on the side of the World Trade Center.
B. The Plane Spraying out some kind of liquid, most likely jet fuel from two ports on its
C. The huge extra piece of equipment on the aircrafts fuselage.
D. What appears to be a bomb tucked between its port side engine and pylon.
E. The Rocket, Missle, or Incendiary device which was shot from this aircrafts fuselage just moments prior to impact.
3. The Obvious bombs and explosions, picked up by all the News Networks, at World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7, show the buildings were taken down by pre-planned, controlled demolition, without any doubt whatsoever. Thus again proving 911 had nothing to do with Arabs, or Muslims, nor Foreign Terrorism.
4. The admission of Larry Silverstein on National TV (PBS) that World Trade Center 7 was 'pulled' or intentionally demolished, along with damning video proof to show what he claimed was true.
5. No plane wreckage at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. And to my knowledge, not a single picture showing a single piece of wreckage, not even the famed engine which was alleged to have been found miles from the site. Add to this that the Mayor of Shanksville, who went to the crash site also claimed there was no wreckage.
The Pentagon Chain of Evidence
And now we move onto the Pentagon. And what do we find? To say it in a single word, consistency. No plane wreckage indicating any type of aircraft part which can be identified as belonging to a large commercial class Boeing 757, either outside the Pentagon, nor inside the Pentagon. No burning jet fuel on the lawn, nor apparent damage to the lawn itself. The spools which remained stationary, even when the thrust of a 757 went right in front of them, or is alleged to have. Add to this that there were no bodies found or recovered. Click the link below to see what happens when a car gets behind the thrust of a 747 engine, and then ask yourself how it is that alleged Flight 77, could fly inches or feet above cars before impacting the pentagon without damaging them or blowing them to kingdom come.
And the damage to the Pentagon is absolutely inconsistent with what the Bush Administration claimed, that Flight 77, a Boeing 757, struck the Pentagon. A Boeing 757 is 124 feet wide, and 44 feet high at its tail section, simply cannot fit into a 16 foot hole and then afterwards completely vanish. Add to this that the 5 frames that the Pentagon released, showed something streaking across the lawn, inches above ground, when in fact the trajectory of the plane would have
had to have been at a dive bomb angle, in order to avoid the light posts and overhead street signs. In the frames which the Pentagon released, there is no Boeing 757 either. We will touch on this aspect more later, but keep in mind that the Pentagon is one of the most secure buildings in the wolrd, and has cameras on the top of its building facade, about every 30 feet or so. Yet they only release 5 frames, with frames in the middle of those removed, to the public as proof that a 757 really hit the Pentagon. And these have the wrong date stamp on them! Now by now most of you have watched the video of the truck being literally blown away when getting to close the the exhuast of the 747. Now ask yourself, if it had really been a 757 that is seen streaking across the frames toward the Pentagon, wouldn't the great force of the engine exhaust have not only blown those spools away, but a few dozen cars it allegedly flew right over? And wouldn't it also have torn the grass right off the dirt in a pattern approaching the Pentagon?
Thus with video and photographic proofs alone, we have demonstrated and quickly shown and proven 911 to be an inside job, which could never have been carried out by Usama Bin Laden or 19 Muslims with box-cutters. As stated earlier, it's not a conspiracy theory if conspiracy is proven. And lets not forget the initial death toll from that day, nor minimize it in any way. 3000 people were brutally and insidiously murdered, in cold blood, with cruel ruthlessness and disregard. It was a conspiracy to commit mass muder, and use this as a pretext for what we all know will be never ending war on Terrorism. It was also a conspiracy to hijack our nation, and our nations Military, as well as to destroy our Constitutional foundation of Law.