sherman said:stucco.....i'll stop with the insults and really try to understand where u are coming from....
u mean to tell me....u truly believe Dick Cheney kidnapped people and played "surviving the game" with them?
I was a counselor for a number of sexual victims and they all have the same story...If you want to trully get a taste of what they do go rent the movie
"Eyes wide shut" with Tom Cruise and directed by S. Kurbrick....the movie is more fact than you realize....also that was Kubrick last movie and who knows what he was trying to reveal....I was a lead investigator for the McMartin Preschool Trial that took place in California some years back...alot of the information of the case was never released to the public....I also spent a year working for the Boulder Sheriff Dept on the P.Ramsey case...I believe M.Jackson will not serve any jail time...because cases like this involve a cover-up that goes higher than the parties involved....any other questions?
we could actually go farther than this...but we seem to get past the basic issues on these cases....