lonely fuckin' puke with zero friends....lives for positive words from gambling forum members...........he will die alone someday and no one will know or care..........so let him be i say
and a rare RR 'contribution' at that, lol.
actually, its sort of a 5star/manej2001 combo screw job. but 5tar assumed themanej's debt, tried to pass himself off as honorable, gave the long winded runaround for months asking for time and patience. and then ultimately offered the ol' "F you". people like this get whats coming to them in the end though. whisperz is another guy who has the nuts to post here about betting games and playing poker while just flat out jamming me for a few hundy as well.
simply pathetic. and that whispers joke needs to be banned as well. i think i chimed in once in athread and he made it seem as if he paid it off. this reminds me of the thread someone started recently asking why gamblers are looked down upon.