About those gun laws again.....
Not allowed to talk about the guns. The crazy gun nuts will start posting charts about how it's not the guns fault.
Only in america do we have these idiots who refuse to put any blame on the actual weapon used to kill people.
Any minute we should see a gun nut post a story about one death by axe and then say "should we have axe control"...amazing these dopes actually compare one death to thousands and thousands.
The number of firearms in circulation has gone up exponentially in the last 20 years (and the issuance of concealed carry permits has gone up 500%) and yet the violent crime rate has declined. Rather sharply.
Those are facts. So if your response to a shooting, one mind you, where you have no clue what the motive and the weapon used, is to call for more gun laws, you're frankly, dumb. There is no other way to say it.
About those gun laws again.....
Banning guns is not the way to go......last thing we want is to have our guns taken from us.
The government will have the upper hand if its citizens don't have anything to fight back with if/when chaos breaks out in the near future.
Also, with all the rampant crime, we need to protect our families & homes.
Just look at Louisiana after the hurricane destroyed the cities by the shore.......the govt didn't do jack & people suffered. Rapes & all sorts of crime were rampant.......the last thing will be the govt doing anything to protect & help us.
They want your tax dollars & could care less about anyone that isnt worth hundreds of millions.
Bottom line, its definitely terrible read about people shooting innocent members of society & banning gunsis the ewrong way to go about solving the problem.
Do I have the answer? No I don't but I know the media blows up the stories with all these stories.
Maybe we shouldn't make any violent movies with people shooting one another.....seems like the younger generations with the violent video games & violent movies become desensitized & act out what they've seen.
The babysitter now a days is the TV & video games & w/o good parenting, how in the world can you expect the kids to act the way they're supposed to.
Not saying all kids not brought up in a good environment with good parenting turn to violence but it doesn't help.
Are you a product of your environment?
Guns are not the problem.......you can use a gun to hunt & feed your family. You can use a knife to cut a steak or tomatoes but both gun & knife can be used to kill someone.
We just live in a world that is out of control & everyone wants pure gratification right away.......we live in the "me" generation. Our future looks bleak & its not because of guns.......
Banning guns is not the way to go......last thing we want is to have our guns taken from us.
The government will have the upper hand if its citizens don't have anything to fight back with if/when chaos breaks out in the near future.
Also, with all the rampant crime, we need to protect our families & homes.
Just look at Louisiana after the hurricane destroyed the cities by the shore.......the govt didn't do jack & people suffered. Rapes & all sorts of crime were rampant.......the last thing will be the govt doing anything to protect & help us.
They want your tax dollars & could care less about anyone that isnt worth hundreds of millions.
Bottom line, its definitely terrible read about people shooting innocent members of society & banning gunsis the ewrong way to go about solving the problem.
Do I have the answer? No I don't but I know the media blows up the stories with all these stories.
Maybe we shouldn't make any violent movies with people shooting one another.....seems like the younger generations with the violent video games & violent movies become desensitized & act out what they've seen.
The babysitter now a days is the TV & video games & w/o good parenting, how in the world can you expect the kids to act the way they're supposed to.
Not saying all kids not brought up in a good environment with good parenting turn to violence but it doesn't help.
Are you a product of your environment?
Guns are not the problem.......you can use a gun to hunt & feed your family. You can use a knife to cut a steak or tomatoes but both gun & knife can be used to kill someone.
We just live in a world that is out of control & everyone wants pure gratification right away.......we live in the "me" generation. Our future looks bleak & its not because of guns.......
That's a great post, Computer Group.
The moral codes that backboned this country since its inception have slipped away.
How many of you guys have even seen the Ten Commandments?
"Thou shalt not kill" is one of those Ten Commandments.
It used to be drummed into a child's head repeatedly by home, church, and school. When that happened it became part of people's personnas. The only exceptions were self defense.
Today, homes are broken, churches are empty, and the courts ruled Christian teachings from the school curriculum.
Blame those who have drained the Christian morality from the society, so important to our Founders and the people in the country for the first two hundred years.
"Thou shalt not kill" is a part of who I am. Clearly, however it is no longer a part of the persona of many, many in our county today.
The gun is not to blame. The amoral person pulling the trigger is to blame.
What?!?My answer certainly isn't more gun laws but way tougher and very strict enforcement.
What is this?!? You've been saying for a week that we need stricter laws. We need mandatory 25 year sentences you stated.
Now we need enforcement? Which one is it?
My head hurts again.