Pats Philadelphia over 24.5 There not even close have capped at 31 5k to the bank
RUSS New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 17,061 Tokens Dec 6, 2015 #1 Pats Philadelphia over 24.5 There not even close have capped at 31 5k to the bank
RUSS New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 17,061 Tokens Dec 6, 2015 #6 Shhhhhh quiet down told you
packer2012 Member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 5,108 Tokens Dec 6, 2015 #8 Congrats Russtoleum. Please accept a token of our esteem from the forum. Please enjoy FREE PARKING in all your ongoing Monopoly clown games. You are hereby deemed the mayor of the Monopoly Bank of Russville.
Congrats Russtoleum. Please accept a token of our esteem from the forum. Please enjoy FREE PARKING in all your ongoing Monopoly clown games. You are hereby deemed the mayor of the Monopoly Bank of Russville.
bukis1 New member Joined Feb 8, 2010 Messages 5,621 Tokens Dec 6, 2015 #9 Great job Russ you won $20 grand on this game. I'm sure you are collecting it all from your bookie ties. What a joke!!!!
Great job Russ you won $20 grand on this game. I'm sure you are collecting it all from your bookie ties. What a joke!!!!
YaBoyPDDY Member Joined Sep 14, 2015 Messages 1,311 Tokens Dec 6, 2015 #10 Russelstilskin- Waiting on the your SNF.... Lets get this money, Sonny