Nuts on the loose....With video
it's time we make road rage illegal, or do we have to wait on that?
How is using a tragedy like Vegas to advocate for guns different than gun control advocates (Hil, Barry, etc.) not letting a tragedy like Sandy Hook "go to waste"?
Do you right wingers even know how stupid you look when you compare things like this to gun deaths? It's like comparing death by falling down steps to cancer.
Right wing logic is a scary thing. Be glad you're in the rx bubble....normal people laugh at comparisons like this.
It's pretty simple.....people using a car to kill people is not a common occurrence. Using your car as a weapon and accidents are a different thing.
We are talking "on purpose" killings. The two aren't even in same ballpark.
dude, I'm mocking you and your naive belief we can legislate utopia
that's what's stupid in my world
stop pretending we can control things we can't, like climate change
and guns are not the root source of violence, dysfunctional families are
I'll give you another simple example that will fly right over your head, but I'll waste a few seconds.
Do you think guns are the reason for fanatical Muslim violence? or would you blame that on what they were taught and what they lived through?
same difference
My question was for the gun advocates who are using Vegas to advocate for guns yet bitch when the left uses gun tragedies to advocate for gun control. But, hey, thanks for chiming in with an answer that doesn't answer my question.