10 Myths About Atheists and Atheism

Jun 13, 2007
hmmm.... could it be that happy-trigger republicans always think they're right and as result always ignore the people who has different opinions.... I dont know but this JC guy seems troubled to me

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
My Son & my Younger brother claim to be atheists which is OK by me but I say this: In the beginning of time whenever that was when everything was created?..Or was everything in the universe just here? This magnificent planet of ours in this vast endless universe was just HERE?... Are you shitting me?...Heres the answer HELL NO! IT WAS CREATED! Athiests Duh... How could anybody on this planet be so arrogant as to believe nothing created this planet & the rest of the universe? The big bang theory you say? Question: Ok so who created the big bang? Don't come back wih a bunch of bullshit because I will not reply. Case closed.

Our origins are indeed a mystery. Some people use science to look for answers.

Others take the easy way out and convince themselves that it magically appeared by an invisible spirit.
Jun 13, 2007
Austin 3:16 says i just whooped your ass!!!!!sorry had to do that..... i think everyone should live their own life the way they want to, of course, while respecting others. myself, im not atheist or theist.. i consider myself agnostic, i cant assure what exists or what doesnt.... unless what i can touch, see or feel.nobody has the right to tell other people how to live or what to believe in, but we all have the responsability to be good people, to be good citizens, and to treat everyone equally

roadreeler in case u didnt got to it....
u can believe what u want, i dont give a fuck, u shouldnt give a fuck either if someone doesnt share your beliefs. Imposed religion is no religion
Jun 13, 2007
If you dont wanna post anymore thats fine... i dont get what you mean with that "case closed".... if you wanna close yourself thats fine also.... thread is still open "judge"..... LOL

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Which is why he's also on my ignore list - when the small minded bigot can't win the debate he goes after your family or uses some other demeaning tactic to change the subject of the debate - cowards like this would never do such a thing to your face, but find the internet the perfect media to practice their schoolyard games.

Whether ideologically left or right, I have little use and much contempt for anyone who use such gutter talk.

Oct 30, 2006
If you dont wanna post anymore thats fine... i dont get what you mean with that "case closed".... if you wanna close yourself thats fine also.... thread is still open "judge"..... LOL
LOL... What I mean by case closed is it's a no brainer or a slam dunk.... No more need for debate I'm right & you're wrong period... ... You don't believe me E-mail the Pope although I'm Congregational but we believe in the same God :pope: Case Closed
Jun 13, 2007
LOL im wrong... really? Man, Im gonna get depressed.... You sound like 11 year old boy, go wipe your ass

New member
Sep 20, 2004
My Son & my Younger brother claim to be atheists which is OK by me but I say this: In the beginning of time whenever that was when everything was created?..Or was everything in the universe just here? This magnificent planet of ours in this vast endless universe was just HERE?... Are you shitting me?...Heres the answer HELL NO! IT WAS CREATED! Athiests Duh... How could anybody on this planet be so arrogant as to believe nothing created this planet & the rest of the universe? The big bang theory you say? Question: Ok so who created the big bang? Don't come back wih a bunch of bullshit because I will not reply. Case closed.

perhaps its hard wired into our brains, or simply the way we are raised to believe that everything needs a beginning, in the same way we asume many things based on our personal experience say "time is absolute......one hour here on Earth is the same as one hour when travelling aboard a spaceshit" or "if you are travelling on a spaceship at 200000 km/s and another spaceship is travelling at 200000 km/s towards you then I see the spaceship coming at 400000 km/s , of course you add speeds!" or "200 kgs of iron are the same whether they are at rest or moving really fast", all those notions we have have been SHOWN wrong

but even if you believe that everything needs a beginning..........then of course the question is who created the creator.......the case is most certainly not closed whether you believe that EVERYTHING needs a creator EXCEPT the creator (how convenient!) or even better that the creator was created by one or more creators as well.

a bunch of bullshit to me is "everything has been created by someone who we dont see or hear, except certain people who hear their voice and have been told to do x,y,z on His name because he likes x,y,z , also this Creator has 'always' existed and sent his Son down to Earth to save us from the Hell created by this Creator too, where we are all going because we are all imperfect and therefore will suffer/pay for all these things we have done wrong, also all the people that don't believe in our version of the Creator are going there too" , that is of course, just one version of this supposed Creator, there are thousands of versions, many much older than the 'Western' version and well. Hard to tell which one is the 'right one' as this Creator doesn't really make it easy to tell. So depending on who you believe ...you are either pleasing or pissing off the Creator(s) .

If all that sounds like a complicated mess CREATED by ourselves......its because it really is.

New member
Nov 8, 2004
I have 2 questions for Joe C. ?

1)... What happened at the bash? (if you remember)

2)... Did you get any escorts in Cancun?

We won't hold it against you, we all have our demons.

Oct 30, 2006
nice one wolfie... well explained as usual
Thats right .. Creators created Creators back infinitly into time if thats what you wish to believe then that still leaves a creator at the beginning of which the beginning goes back into another demension of which maybe only much highly developed space aliens may understand or maybe just there creator understands this. Only our present identical creator has all the answers.We are only sheep compared to the supreme & superior to us infinite creator.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Thats right .. Creators created Creators back infinitly into time if thats what you wish to believe then that still leaves a creator at the beginning of which the beginning goes back into another demension of which maybe only much highly developed space aliens may understand or maybe just there creator understands this. Only our present identical creator has all the answers.We are only sheep compared to the supreme & superior to us infinite creator.

Its not what I wish to believe, in the words of a famous scientist from the 18th century , I have no need of such hypothesis (either one creator, an infinite series of creator creating another creator OR multiple creators)

First we were polytheist, now we are (for the most part) monotheist with the usual remanents of other stuff like believing in horoscope/tarot/etc, lately the fashion is "believe in SOMETHING, please, our stuff is really the same as your stuff" (New Era thing).

The next step is in clear sight (specially now that the "if you dont believe in a creator , you are wrong" people dont come with torches or similar artifacts trying to kill me :)

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Its not what I wish to believe, in the words of a famous scientist from the 18th century , I have no need of such hypothesis (either one creator, an infinite series of creator creating another creator OR multiple creators)

First we were polytheist, now we are (for the most part) monotheist with the usual remanents of other stuff like believing in horoscope/tarot/etc, lately the fashion is "believe in SOMETHING, please, our stuff is really the same as your stuff" (New Era thing).

The next step is in clear sight (specially now that the "if you dont believe in a creator , you are wrong" people dont come with torches or similar artifacts trying to kill me :)

So your bullshit theory (aka Darwinism) meets the strict criteria of The Scientific Method?

Here, let me put in terms even a child can understand...


Call us when your holier-than-thou demagoguery makes it past Stage 5.

You Darwinists are no different those you incessantly belittle -- people who BY FAITH believe in THE Creator -- you're just too ignorant and arrogant to admit it.

Dec 11, 2006

You Joe C chasers are the frauds.

What kind of person would do internet searches on a fellow poster with an e-mail address he obtained fraudulently?

I'll tell ya what kind - an internet scumbag.

And then for you fools to try to make a big deal out of a SINGLE guy who:

1) drank at a party

2) inquired about girl(s) at a resort destination

Something from the Bible for you atheists - "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

If you can't engage the guy in an honest debate about a legitimate issue(s) please refrain from the beyond weak attempt at character assasination. Those who engage are the frauds and the fools.

Joe C certainly has posted a legitimate arguement for a society backboned by Judeo-Christian values. I don't think that he said he was the Pope so where's the hypocrisy? One does not have to be the Virgin Mary to discuss the morality of a society.

I have not seen the secularist counterarguement. Bring it and stop embarrassing yourselves with the petty bullshit.

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