Hey Black & Gold....
I know the feeling....but don't I let it eat at me. I
Never bail on a decision just because some tout has a big play. I trust the guys here a lot more than some paid capper. Besides, it's just one game and just one day. But it get's frustrating when days run together and become weeks.
I just know that one day does not make a season. I remind myself of that on losing days. Oh, as far of the Rangers being your Nemises....every gambler I know has a team that just always screws them royal when they bet on or against them. For years it was Clemson in football for me until I got smart on day and just wouldn't bet them....still don't.
It's like I just know the odds gods will punish me if I put them on my ticket. I don't know whats wrong with the Rangers. All that talent and they show up like they have been at the crack house all night and are just thinking about their next high. Other nights they play just good enogh to win when they shouldn't have.
Hang in there Black & Gold and you'll be just fine. I'm trying to break this funk I'm in myself by forcing myself to watch ESPN2 in spanish. Confusion is a good thing sometimes. It like, resets the mind....but then again, so does a good nights sleep....it's time to let the Z monstor kick my ass.